The Celtic Show Fans
Congratulations must go to John C. Falstaff of The Celtic Show on WRFG Atlanta
which always includes some good Scottish music well worth listening to. The show
never fails to recognize important times for Scots around the world of which
examples are: the shows celebrating Robert Burns 250th anniversary during 2009
and the 100th anniversary of the Burns Cottage in Atlanta during 2010. Well done
John–please keep it up.
– Richard Graham,
The Duke of Montroses Chieftain of Clan Graham in North America and
Past President of the Burns Club of Atlanta and the Saint Andrews Society of Atlanta
John C. Falstaff is a most valuable cultural resource for
the Atlanta Irish community, and we are fortunate to have him.
– Jim Alexander, Chair, Irish Music Traditions (Atlanta Branch of CCE)
Sometimes listeners email us to express their appreciation for what we do at WRFG
I was flipping channels this afternoon and discovered your show. I couldn't
believe that here in Atlanta there was a radio show dedicated to Celtic music;
I was thrilled to listen to your show! Great job selecting such a broad mix of
contemporary and traditional songs. I wanted to thank you for putting on such
a great show; you definitely have a new dedicated listener!
(DG, Mar 2011)
Before listening to the Celtic Show on WRFG my only real exposure to Celtic music
on the radio was NPR's Thistle and Shamrock. Falstaff's show is more eclectic,
less commercial and in my opinion much more interesting. It's hard to know what
to expect. A brand new release may be followed by an archival field recording.
Living in Southwest Virginia, I stream the show and run it through my sound
system. The sound quality is first rate.
(JR, June 2011)
I just stumbled upon the station and really liked what I heard! I'm glad I
found the show!
(JM, May 2011)
Thanks for a great Great show! My Sunday pleasure is created by your masterful
selections, organizing and pertinent info. Thanks for all the intense effort to
produce such a show!
(KD, June 2011)
John C. Falstaff's pioneering work makes it easy to understand why Celtic music
continues to attract new audiences. What he provides on his weekly program
are ways for people to connect with themselves and their communities
in ways that can't easily be found elsewhere in the media buzz world.
Prof James
W. Flannery, Irish tenor and
Founder/Director of the WB Yeats
Foundation, Emory University
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